Page 3 - 2016-02
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CHINA WORLD   FEBRUARY 2016 / 2016 年 2 月刊  03

           国贸灯饰 闪耀猴年                                                                                白领逛集

                                                                                                    春节前,国贸商城联手线上高品质生活平台 ENJOY,
           2016 年是中国猴年,一年一度的中国国贸春节
                                                                                                    在区域 2 地下一层中庭打造新春市集。中国大饭店、
                                                                                                    One、Roseonly 等品牌同样也聚集了大量人气。大家
                                                                       BRASSY MONKEYS

                                                                       Revamping the entire Central
                                                                       Business District, China World
                                                                       welcomes the Year of the Monkey
                                                                       in red and lavender lights, lanterns
                                                                       and Monkey King imagery.

                                                                                                    TRADITIONAL TIDBITS

                                                                                                    Enjoy app and China World Mall have launched a popular
                                                                                                    Chinese new year's market. China World Hotel, Trader's
                                                                                                    Hotel and the Summit Wing proffered traditional delicacies
                                                                                                    like Peking duck slices to weary white-collar workers. Flo
                                                                                                    Café, Page One and Roseonly also drew attention with
                                                                                                    bread, stationery and flowers.

           视角 : 2015 年国贸员工摄                             A YEAR IN PICTURES                          宝船归来 完美凯旋

           影展                                           More than 150 photos depicting the key events of   随着每周末盛大的宝船系列儿童剧和人气极旺的“国

           1 月 26 日至 2 月 26 日,以“国贸人视角”为主题的              2015 at China World are exhibiting in the rainbow   动完美收官。“一船双用”给午休时刻的白领和周末
           员工摄影展在国贸商城区域 3 彩虹连廊和会员中心门                    tunnel and China World membership center until
           前展出。本次摄影展共收集了 150 余幅来自网络摄影                   February 26.
           比赛的佳作,集中展现了国贸中心 2015 年全年的大事                                                              TREASURE TRIUMPHS
           件和诸多精彩瞬间。                                                                                A successful conclusion was brought to the karaoke
                                                                                                    contest and treasure ship adventures for children in the
                                                            《不朽的城雕》盛大展出                             Mall. White-collar workers and families mingled and
                                                                                                    giggled during breaks and weekends.
                                                            2 月初,《不朽的城雕》欧洲文化之都城市雕塑
                                                            摄影展在国贸商城揭幕,百幅欧洲十五国城雕摄                   手礼节 : 网罗潮品,汇聚潮人
                                                            影作品亮相。国贸领导、文化部领导和欧洲各国                   1 月 19-22 日,设计猫手礼节亮相会员中心门前,亮
                                                            嘉宾出席了开幕式。                               丽的波普风现场吸引了一众白领。网罗全球 100 位设

                                                            IMMORTAL CITY                           计师品牌、300 件产品,打造时尚手礼派对。Fendi 家
                                                                                                    族第三代传人 Ilaria 的独创环保手袋、荷兰米菲特别限
                                                            Representatives of the China World Trade Center,
                                                            the Ministry of Culture and European countries  POP ART PROVES POPULAR

                                                            attended the opening ceremony at the Mall for   Some 100 designer brands participated in a Pop Art market
                                                            The Immortals of a City exhibition. More than   that debuted in front of the China World membership
                                                            100 photos of European city sculptures will be on   center in January. Mighty Miffy, a familiar soup can and 300
                                                            display throughout February.            limited-edition products, eco-friendly bags by Ilaria Fendi
                                                                                                    were among the highlights.
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