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CHINA WORLD   JULY 2016 / 2016 年 7 月刊  02

           受并参与乐视生态。                                                          manufacturing process of the super car.
           Nike 运动旗舰店为体育爱好者带来了科技感十足的产品和有趣的课程。传统店                              The Le Sports Zone and live broadcast room on the second floor encourage interaction
           员将由专业教练替代,为客人精准测量心跳、步态等,根据“体检”报告给出专                                with the largest global Internet-based sports TV program platform. Sports events,
           业的运动及购买建议。同时,为帮助跑者提高运动表现,Nike+ Run Club(简称                         movies, TV and music releases will be held here with opportunities to interact with
           NRC)将会激励更多的跑者透过既有趣又鼓舞人心的训练课程加入到这个全球的                               celebrities.
           跑步社区,不论您是跑步初学者、训练频繁的跑者或是追求疾速的竞赛者都能在                                Nike Sport flagship store offers sports fans tech-savvy products and inspiring
           NRC 找到为您量身而设的课程。                                                   courses. Professional coaches will provide professional sports and product purchase
           三层的 COS、Ed Hardy、Asulikeit、陆心媛等极具设计感的时尚品牌将带来与众                     suggestions based on accurate measurement of heart rates and gaits. To boost athletic
           不同的穿衣文化。                                                           performance, Nike+ Run Club will encourage visitors to take courses and join the
           四层至五层的纯 K 一改以往 KTV 的经营模式,全天候包间可轻松在聚会与会议中                           running club. Beginners and professionals can enrol on a customized course.
           灵活转换。以东三环 CCTV 为巨大幕布的“歌房”将呈现 CBD 区域最美夜景。                           The third floor includes COS, Ed Hardy, Asulikeit and YOUK SHIM WON, all promoting
           最值得推荐的是位于六层至七层的露天餐吧,将带来世界各地特色的美食体验。                                their own alternative clothing cultures.  K on the fourth and fifth floors combines
           来自西班牙的 Migas 提供地中海风味菜品,每款都以原始和健康为特色。店内还                            evolutionary karaoke with an exciting party experience.
           特别引入“欧洲市集”,带你领略原汁原味的西班牙风情。露天酒吧的特色鸡尾                                Al fresco restaurants on the sixth and seventh floors will serve cuisine from all over the
           酒也绝不乏创意,能满足每个人对酒的向往。Brick&Wood——对于钟情于定制日                           world, including the Spanish restaurant Migas and other original international flavors.
           料的客人一定不陌生。每天厨师将根据顾客的着装、心情特别制作专属菜肴。纽                                Brick & Wood will deliver delicious Japanese cuisine. Chefs plan different dishes every
           约首屈一指的甜品店也将入驻于此,不同凡响的口感、风味起承转合,郑重其事                                day to meet the mood and taste of guests. One of the best dessert shops in New York
           而又松弛享受。                                                            will also open here.



            监。来自韩国的金义龙先生拥有超过 10 年的酒店
            他丰富的工作经验及各种创新理念带入团队中;此                                                                                                    敬请期待
            外,金先生还会以其工作激情、快乐的生活方式以                                                                                                  COMING SOON
            生将紧随 CBD 区域的潮流,为世界各地的客人带                    健身中心与 SPA                                   HEALTH CLUB AND SPA
            来一段美好的体验,并期待与您的再次相遇。                        在健身中心,客人可享受最全面的健身设施,感受充                     At the health club, guests can enjoy an extensive and
            HOTEL JEN CHINA WORLD, BEIJING              满活力与激情的氛围。让每个走进健身中心的人都能                     unique offering of sports and fitness activities in a multi-

            WELCOMES EY KIM AS DIRECTOR                 找到喜欢的运动风格和对自身体能的准确定位。无论                     discipline fitness centre in a high energy, vibrant atmosphere
            OF SALES & MARKETING                        回房间的住店客人都会被这里现代、时尚的气氛所感                     including the city’s Mixed Marital Arts and Boxing Ring!
                                                                                                    Here guests are guaranteed to find an activity and level that
            EY Kim has been appointed Director of Sales &                                           suits their style and ability.
            Marketing for Hotel Jen China World, Beijing.                                           Facilities
            EY, a native of South Korea has over 10 years of hospitality                                Changing rooms equipped with a steam room,
                                                           25 米长 5 道泳池
            experience in China. As a travel enthusiast EY is fluent in                                 sauna, and a Jacuzzi
            Chinese, Korean, Japanese and English. With experiences all                                 25M - 5 lane lap pool
            over Asia, EY brings a wealth of ideas and new perspectives                                 Juice bar and retail display area
                                                           独立 Spa 单人间,双人间和足下保健
            to the team. EY is passionate about blending hospitality                                    Range of Studio Rooms
            with fun lifestyle concept and his outgoing personality and                                 Spa with private treatment rooms, couples room,
            love of life make him a great                                                               and foot reflexology
            addition to the team. EY most                                                               Private workout studios
            looks forward to shaking                                                                Activities
            things up in the CBD and                                                                    MM&A & Boxing
            bringing travelers from all over                                                            Swimming lessons and activities
            the globe a fun and                                                                         Yoga Class
            inviting space                                                                              Pilates Class
            that will inspire                                                                           Dancing and other studio classes
            them.                                                                                       Spinning classes
                                                                                                        Personal Trainer
                                                                                                        SPA treatments
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