Page 8 - 2016-07
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CHINA WORLD   JULY 2016 / 2016 年 7 月刊  08

                                                                                                    2016 国贸大酒店垂直马拉

              欧克勤先生就任                                                                               松世界巡回赛(北京站)报

              北京国贸大酒店总经理                                                                            名正式启动!

              欧克勤先生就任北京国贸大酒店总经理,他将全面负责这                                                             这个9月,2016国贸大酒店垂直马拉松世界巡回赛(北
              家北京一流酒店的日常运营工作。欧克勤先生来自土耳其,                                                            京站)如期而至!热爱运动的你准备好了吗?世界级
              加入香格里拉酒店集团已超过 10 年,他带来的香格里拉                                                           的巡回马拉松赛事,紫禁之巅的登顶较量,82 层的攀
              战略思想和专业技能源于他在亚洲多元丰富的职业经历。                                                             爬,2,041 级台阶的挑战,330 米高度等你来傲视群
              欧克勤先生主张用激情给客人带来高品质的服务和独特的                                                             雄!了解更多比赛细节和注册信息,请扫描二维码。
                                                                                                    “VERTICAL RUN 2016” IS BACK!
              CHINA WORLD SUMMIT WING,                                                              The prestigious international run is back at China World

              BEIJING WELCOMES HAKAN                                                                Summit Wing, Beijing this September! The tallest building
                                                                                                    in the city will be hosting the run, in its fourth year
              OZEL AS GENERAL MANAGER                                                               running. 82 levels, 2,041 steps

                                                                                                    and 330 metres – can you take
              Mr. Hakan Ozel has been appointed general
                                                                                                    up the challenge? For more
              manager of China World Summit Wing,
                                                                                                    race details and to register, scan
              Beijing, a Shangri-La hotel. A Turkish national
                                                                                                    QR code.
              and with over 10 years of experience in
              the Shangri-La family, Mr. Ozel brings
              strategic thinking and knowledge of
              hospitality from his diverse and rich career
              path in Asia and beyond. Mr. Ozel’s main
              passion remains to be high quality service
              and unique guest experiences that make
              one’s stay unforgettable.

                                                                                  亚投行首届年会开幕 北京国贸大酒店


                                                                                  6 月 25 日,北京国贸大酒店承接了亚洲基础建设投资银行(亚投行)首届
                                                                                  年会招待晚宴在北京国贸大酒店群贤宴会厅隆重举行。57 个成员国部长及
                                                                                  政部副部长史耀斌先生,亚投行行长金立群先生,及 500 名各国代表出席
                                                                                  HOSTING OF THE ASIA INFRASTRUCTURE

                                                                                  INVESTMENT BANK (AIIB)

                                                                                  On June 25, China World Summit Wing, Beijing had the honour to host the
                                                                                  welcome gala dinner of the first annual meeting of The Asia Infrastructure
                                                                                  Investment Bank (AIIB) at the Summit Ballroom. A total of 500 top VIPs
                                                                                  attended the dinner, including 57 ministers and 390 representatives from
                                                                                  various countries. This is the second time in recent months that the hotel was
                                                                                  appointed as the host of such national banquets. The last one was The First
                                                                                  World Tourism Development Congress.

           以上价格均为人民币,并需加收 10% 服务费及在上述价格与服务费总额上计征的政府税及增值税(除非另有说明)。
           Prices are in RMB and are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes and value-added tax payable on the prices together with the service charge (unless otherwise stated).
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