Page 12 - CHINA WORLD No19 七月刊-final
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CHINA WORLD   JULY 2017 / 2017 年 7 月刊  12

           国贸幼儿园给孩子们                                                          国贸世纪公寓两居套房 580 元 / 日特惠

           一个不一样的 2017 夏令营                                                    让您的暑期清凉一夏

           暑期即至,马上开启暑假生活的孩子们自然                                                过不一样的暑期,享不一样的福利! 7 月 13 日 -7 月 31 日活动期间,国贸客户
           高兴的不得了,然而如何让孩子度过有一个                                                只需 580 元 / 日即可入住国贸世纪公寓两居室舒适客房,价格优惠至冰点,给您
           有意义又完美的假期却成为每个家长最头疼                                                在炎炎夏日带来一丝清凉。作为酒店式服务公寓,国贸世纪公寓拥有一应俱全的
           的难题。这里 ,  国贸国际幼儿园就为小朋友                                             高品质配套设备,周边便利的购物及交通设施,以及体贴入微的精细化优质服务。
           们拟定了一份暑假活动安排计划,供广大家                                                相信,在这个暑期入住国贸世纪公寓,您一定会有不一样的入住体验,让您在京
           长朋友们借鉴,让孩子们在轻松愉快的氛围中度过暑假生活。                                        城也能有家一样的感受。
           国贸幼儿园中英双语夏令营,为小朋友们安排了团队游戏、科学经验、工艺美术                                    (86-10) 6779 8030 / 6779 8035
           正在为孩子寻找假期活动的家长们,不妨考虑国贸幼儿园 2017 夏令营,让孩子
                (86-10) 6505 3869

           Children’s House international kindergarten is excited to introduce an action-packed
           bilingual summer program filled with fun and adventure for children.
           Looking for kids’ activities this summer? Check out the summer holiday program at China
           World Campus, which has more than enough fun to keep them busy.
           To lend parents a helping hand, the Campus and Children’s House offer unlimited
           opportunities for team games, science experience, arts and crafts, singing and dancing.
           There’s a range of fun and easy games and activities that encourage children’s
           communication skills, establish friendship and make learning a joyful experience.

                                                                              SUMMER OFFER: 580 YUAN A DAY

                                                                              Beijing Century Towers is launching a special summer vacation offer to guests of China
                                                                              World Towers: two-room suites for just 580 yuan a day from July 13 to July 31.
                                                                              Beijing Century Towers service apartments include complete high-quality appliances,
                                                                              convenient shopping and traffic facilities.
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