Page 8 - 2016-02
P. 8

CHINA WORLD   FEBRUARY 2016 / 2016 年 2 月刊 08

           中国新年聚会 喜迎猴年的到来                                                     国贸世纪公寓全面升级改造

           1 月 23 日,国贸公寓在公寓俱乐部组织了租户的中国新年聚会,喜迎猴年的到来。
           这是一个充满欢乐的周末,约 120 名租户欢聚一堂,身着红色服装,相互拱手
                                                                              装饰一新的国贸世纪公寓于 2015 年
                                                                              11 月初装修升级后全面开业。改造后
           的“福”字。热腾腾的饺子、酸甜甜的冰糖葫芦、满满的祝福、大大的福字 ……
                                                                              国贸世纪公寓由东、西两栋楼组成,拥有一居室到四居室优雅户型 378 套。其中,
                                                                              世纪公寓坐落于国贸中心南 2 公里,紧邻 CBD 核心商务区,毗邻地铁 10 号线、7
                                                                                  (86-10) 6779 8030 / 6779 8035  
           Celebrating the Year of the Monkey, about 120 China World Apartments residents filled  CENTURY TOWERS UPGRADED

           the Lodge Club with lively conversation, smiles and laughter during a Chinese new year   China World Century Towers reopened its illustrious doors in November with a full array of
           party on January 23.                                               upgraded rooms, improved facilities and revamped decor.
           A cheerful mix of lunar new year music played as residents came together for a joy-filled   The 378 one-, two-, three- and four-bedroom suites have been transformed at the
           afternoon of traditional fun activities and an abundance of treats.  new-look China World Century Towers all apartments equipped with a full set of
           They learned to make jiaozi dumplings, write spring couplets and tasted snacks including   brand name home appliances and kitchenware. All apartments and the public area
           bingtanghulu candied fruit, ai wo wo glutinous rice balls, wandouhuang pea flour cakes   boast free wireless internet.
           and lvdagun - rolling donkey - glutinous rice rolls.               East and west buildings are benefiting from brand new fitness, leisure and
           Residents dressed in red,  the color traditionally associated with happiness and good   entertainment areas. The second floor of the newly renovated west building includes a
           fortune. Everyone was given a red envelope and penned their wishes for the next year.  treadmill room, power gymnasium, aerobic gymnasium, yoga, table-tennis and billiard
           Many residents were eager to have their wishes handwritten by a local calligrapher invited   rooms.
           especially for the occasion. Children experienced the joy of writing the Chinese character   Two kilometers south of China World Trade Center, next to subway lines 7 and 10,
           "fu" on red paper.                                                 China World Century Towers enjoys a superior location and convenient transportation.
           MARCH 2016

                   SUN               MON                TUE                WED               THU                FRI                SAT

            28                 29                 1                 2                  3                  4                 5

            6                  7                  8                 9                  10                 11                12

                                                  3 月 8 日 中国大饭店
                                                  咖啡苑  妇女节庆典
            13                 14                 15                16                 17                 18                19

                               3 月 14 日 -23 日 国贸商城                  3 月 16 日 -18 日 国贸商城                  3 月 11-18 日 中国大饭店
                               MaxMara 春夏新品展                        东航市集                                 咖啡苑  泰国美食节

            20                 21                 22                23                 24                 25                26

                                                                                                         3 月 25 日 国贸商城      3 月 25 日 -4 月 10 日
                                                                                                         Louis Vuitton 店庆   国贸商城 Style Must Go On 活动

            27                 28                 29                30 国贸世纪公寓          31                 1                 2
                                                                         3 月 28 日 -4 月 10 日

            3 月 25 日 -27 日 国贸商城                                          四月小长假,一居
            第十一届亚洲滑冰邀请赛                                                  价格住两居套房
                                                             以上活动具体时间如有变化,恕不另行通知,敬请关注国贸中心官网 或微信 @ 北京国贸商城、@ 北京中国大饭店
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