Page 4 - 2016-06
P. 4

CHINA WORLD   JUNE 2016 / 2016 年 6 月刊  04


                                                                                                    从 7 月 1 日开始,国贸商城为小朋友带来多处梦幻
                                                                                                    场景:位于西配楼的 《玩具总动员》与《赛车总动员》
                                                                                                    今夏恰逢《海底总动员 2》的上映,阔别 13 年的《海
                                                                                                    城结合电影热映,在区域 2 地下一层中庭推出沉浸
                                                                                                    继“托马斯小火车国贸之旅”、“再续经典 Style
                                                                                                    Must Go On 芭比主题活动”后,“国贸暑期总动员”

           童心六月,活动不断                                    CHILDREN’S DAY CELEBRATIONS

           六一童心汇                                        Children’s Day Market - a collection of affordable and
           6 月 1 日儿童节当天,国贸商城区域 3 西配楼举办了                 interesting handcrafts and accessories in Level 1 Zone 3 was
           “六一童心汇”,汇聚文创、饰品等品类,提供实用                      welcomed by the office workers.
           与趣味兼具的产品,充满童趣的场景吸引了大量写字                      Eye-care Activity - One-week Eye-care Activity was
           楼白领光顾。                                       launched next to the membership center on June 1.
           爱眼日活动                                        Professional eye examination was provided by Alexis   WHEN CHINA WORLD MALL
           会员中心门前从 6 月 1 日开始举办为期一周的爱眼日                  Eyewear. The event attracted many families and white   MEETS WITH DISNEY
           活动。商城店铺艾莱克斯眼镜为白领和孩子们提供专                      collars from China World apartments and offices.
           业的眼部检查,深得客人青睐。                               Le Creuset Family Sale - The Le Creuset Family Sale was   This summer, China World Mall is collaborating with
           酷彩特卖会                                        staged from June 16 to 19. Shoppers enjoyed incredible   Disney to bring a one-month-long exciting marketing
           法国著名厨具品牌酷彩的特卖会也接踵而至。从 6 月                    discounts from the famous French kitchenware brand.   campaign with many well-known cartoon characters for
           16 日到 19 日,低至 2 折的力度,让消费者享受了真                Known to the world for its enamel cast iron materials,   families.
           正的实惠。酷彩以饱和度十足的彩色珐琅铸铁材质享                      Le Creuset constantly creates a beautiful and healthy lifestyle   Starting from July 1, children visiting China World Mall will
           誉世界,不断为客人创造美好与健康生活。                          for customers.                              find Toy Story and Cars play station in the Atrium L1 Zone 3,
                                                                                                    classic screens and eye-catching toys from Pixar movies in
           CBD          UNDER ARMOUR                                                                display windows of the Rainbow Corridor. Disney products
                  首家                             国贸开业
                                                                                                    will also be on sale next to the membership center.
           由 NBA 当红明星库里代言的专业运动品牌 Under Armour 在国贸                                                   Finding Dory, the sequel of the successful Finding Nemo
           商城区域 2 地下一层开启其在北京 CBD 的首家专卖店。从运动鞋                                                        launched 13 years ago, will debut in cinemas in China
           到运动内衣,Under Armour 致力于让运动爱好者在比赛、训练或                                                      in mid June with huge expectations. China World Mall
           锻炼的整个过程中,时刻保持身体清爽和轻盈。                                                                    will introduce an immersive exhibition in Atrium B1
           UNDER ARMOUR FIRST ARRIVED                                                               Zone 2 where customers could immerse the "Ocean
                                                                                                    World" and embrace an refreshing escape from the
           IN BEIJING CBD WITH                                                                      sizzling summer.

           CHINA WORLD MALL STORE                                                                   Following the Thomas’ 70th Anniversary and Barbie x Style
                                                                                                    Must Go On, China World Mall will bring another great
           Endorsed by Stephen Curry, global performance brand Under Armour has                     event for kids and their families. Disney English interactive
           arrived at B1, Zone2, China World Mall. Under Armour is the originator of                activities and the painting competition will also attract
           performance apparel - gear engineered to keep athletes cool, dry and light               more new customers. China World Mall offers a choice
           throughout the course of a game, practice or workout.                                    second to none for families in Beijing.
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