Page 2 - 2016-08
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CHINA WORLD   AUGUST 2016 / 2016 年 8 月刊  02

           中国国际贸易中心有限公司副总经理钱晓瑾女士,中国国际贸易中心股份有限公                                Attendees at the press conference and signing ceremonies included Qian Xiaojin,
           司副总经理钟荣明先生,香格里拉酒店集团副总裁、北京中国大饭店总经理谢国                                deputy general manager of China World Trade Center Ltd, Cheng Yongmeng, deputy
           林先生出席了新闻发布会的签约、授牌仪式。                                               general manager of China World Trade Center Co Ltd and Christopher Chia, general
           发布会宣布中国大饭店为官方唯一接待酒店并授予“官方唯一指定酒店公寓支持                                manager of China World Hotel as well as vice president of Shangri-La International
           商”的匾额。饭店总经理谢国林说:“成为此次赛事的官方接待酒店,我们倍感荣幸,                             Hotel Management Ltd.
           中国大饭店全体员工将全力以赴,为选手们提供最优质的住宿、餐饮服务。”                                 Chia accepted a plaque on behalf of the hotel inscribed with “Only Official Designated
           北京马拉松赛已成功举办 35 届,是中国田径协会市场化程度最高、规模最大、最                             Hotel Apartment Sponsor for the 2016 Beijing Marathon.”
           具代表性的单项赛事,也发展成为具有国际影响力的传统体育赛事。作为目前中                                “We’re honored to become the official reception hotel of the event,” Chia said.
           国乃至全球规模最大、功能最齐全的综合性高档商务服务企业之一,基于对马拉                                “We’ll do our best to provide excellent accommodation and catering services for
           松“永不放弃”精神的认同,中国国贸与北京马拉松展开战略合作,希望通过支                                participants.”
           持北京马拉松,向外传递“锐意进取、铸就非凡”的企业精神,健康快乐、积极                                Initiated in 1981, the annual capital city marathon has developed over 35 years into
           向上的生活态度,弘扬拼搏进取的体育精神,推广马拉松运动在中国的发展,推                                a televised sports event of global influence. The Beijing Marathon is the biggest and
           动全民体育运动和社会公益事业的持续发展。                                               most commercially successful competition organized by Chinese Athletic Association.
                                                                              As one of the biggest and most comprehensive commercial service companies in the
                                                                              world, China World announced its strategic cooperation with the marathon under the
                                                                              banner slogan “Never Give Up.”
                                                                              In supporting the marathon, China World hopes to convey its own passion for
                                                                              inspiring excellence and a healthy, joyful and positive life attitude. China World
                                                                              supports the marathon’s message of “striving for success” and the sustainable
                                                                              development of national sports and social charity undertakings.
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