Page 14 - CHINA WORLD No21 九月刊-final
P. 14

CHINA WORLD   OCTOBER 2017 / 2017 年 10 月刊  14

           明星大咖汇聚众·社                                                          CHECK OUT THE CELEBRITIES @ PROTOTYPE

           你可曾想与「虹桥一姐」一样与很多明星合影?                                              Have you ever dreamed of taking photos with celebrities?
           你可曾苦苦蹲守机场只为看一眼明星的身影?                                               Have you ever waited a long time to just glance at a super star?
           如果你还用老套路追星,那么你真要 OUT 啦。因为在新国贸饭店边挥洒汗水、边                             With Hotel Jen Beijing, be surrounded with famous people while working out, eating, or
           享受美食、边工作玩乐的同时就有机会偶遇明星哟 ~ 美丽小编这就安利能大概率                              doing business. Check out our favorite star sightings below!
           偶遇明星的地点!                                                           Come and step into “A World of New Experience” with Jen Celebrities.

           打破办公与生活的界限,突破传统的工作模式在这里与张静初、乔欣、唐艺昕和                                This Week’s Favorite Star Sighting Spot: Hotel Jen Beijing Prototype
                                                                              Chinese Famous Actress Zhang Jingchu @ Prototype
           本期「明星秀」场地推荐:新国贸饭店 众·社
                                                                              Everybody’s Darling Tina Tang @ Prototype
                                                                              Want to play different like these icons? Then check out Prototype. Come for the stylish
                                                                              spots and so can you!
           想与以上大咖一起玩转众·社?快来以下场地寻找灵感!                                          Recommendation I - Lounge
                                                                              Reason: the feeling of comfort, the fresh air, the bright French window, and the perfect
                                                                              place to take a selfie and release work tension.
           是闲暇之余的凹造型,这里都是绝佳场所!                                                Recommendation II - Prototype
                                                                              Reason: free flow of soft drinks, coffee and tea, unlimited supply of delicious snacks,
                                                                              colorful seat and simple decoration, Prototype is one of the most stylish spaces to work.
           椅及简约大气的装修风格,众·社除了工作场所外也是另一网红地点哦 ~                                  Recommendation III - Corridor

           推荐三:走廊                                                             Reason: our most popular “WORK & PLAY” sign is right here and it is full of surprises,
           推荐理由:这里充满惊奇!著名网红拍摄地 "WORK & PLAY" 就在这里!还有木                         check out the sleek designs, you might be surprised by what you find.
           制的门框充满质感!工作之余在这里放松身心,不能更赞!                                         Now you know where to find your super stars, right?

           大概率偶遇明星的地点 Get 到没?偶遇 Idol ?来新国贸饭店就是了!                              Want to meet your idol? Hotel Jen Beijing is the right place
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