Page 11 - 2016-05
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CHINA WORLD   MAY 2016 / 2016 年 5 月刊 11

           国贸“粽”情端午                                          “ZONG ZI” SELECTION

           端午节伴随飘香的粽子如约而至!国贸饭店精心为您准备                         The Dragon Boat Festival is coming with its most traditional dish   喜讯!
           了各式香粽,有传统的红豆沙、红枣粽等,也有创新的台                         – Rice Dumpling, a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous
           式卤肉粽、香菇鸡肉粽等。粽子箬香芬芳和润,肉质酥烂                         rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves, and filled with red bean   国贸饭店行政副总厨高宁荣获
           鲜嫩,肥糯可口不腻,让您同家人朋友在享受美味的同时                         and dates. We also offer innovative Rice             北京烹饪协会颁发的“2015 年
           兼顾营养与健康。                                          with Stewed Pork, and Chicken with Black             度北京餐饮十大名厨”称号。
                (86-10) 6505 2277-34 或直接光临位于国贸饭店一层的          Mushroom – superb for family gatherings on           WE HAVE BEEN
           节日展台。Visit the festival booth at Traders Hotel, Beijing.  this date.

           东方全新招牌——叫化鸡                                       点心自助尽在东方                                             Jenny Gao - the Executive Sous
                                                                                                                  Chef of Traders Hotel, Beijing
           东方餐厅为您带来全新招牌菜——叫化鸡。“叫花鸡”起                         仅需人民币 88 元 / 每位,即可享受东方餐厅超值点心零点
                                                                                                                  won "The Top 10 Chef in Beijing"
           源于宋朝末年,相传一个叫花子偷了一只鸡,却不知如何                         自助。近 50 余款精美点心、冷热菜肴、面食、甜品,及粥
                                                                                                                                award from the
           食用,遂用荷叶裹鸡,外层用泥巴糊严,置火上慢慢烤熟,                        汤等供您选择。超值的美味与方便快捷的服务,是您商务
                                                                                                                                Beijing Cuisine
           食用甘美异常,故因此得名。为了保证口感及品质,我们                         晚餐及周末亲友相聚的最佳选择。
           精选上等原材料,分别在每天上午及下午进行烤制,让您                              (86-10) 6505 2277-34
                (86-10) 6505 2277-34


           The Oriental brings you a new signature dish – Beggar’s Chicken.
           The dish originated during the Song dynasty with chicken stolen by
           a beggar who didn’t know how to eat it, so he wrapped it in lotus
           leaf and then with clay, and slowly cooked it on top of the fire. To
           guarantee the quality and taste of this most delicious dish, we have
           selected the finest raw ingredients for everyday baking.

                                                             DIM SUM BUFFET AT THE ORIENTAL

                                                             The Oriental at Traders Hotel, Beijing presents an A La Carte Buffet
                                                             at RMB88 net per person. Offerings include nearly 50 kinds of dim
                                                             sums, cold and hot dishes, noodles, desserts, congee and soup.
           以上价格均为人民币,并需加收 10% 服务费及在上述价格与服务费总额上计征的政府税及增值税。
           All prices are in RMB and are subject to 10% service charge and any government taxes and value-added tax payable on the prices together with the service charge.
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