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CHINA WORLD   MAY 2016 / 2016 年 5 月刊  06


                                                                                                                过国贸大厦 18 层的财富管理中心,
           国贸股份公司 2015 年度节能环保及技术创新总结会成功召开                                                                       双市配置的资产管理方案,助您放眼
           CHINA WORLD HOSTS 2015 ENERGY CONSERVATION AND                                                       世界、环球投资。


           2016 年 4 月 8 日,国贸股份公司召开了 2015 年度节能环保              China World Trade Center Co., Ltd’s energy conservation office
           及技术创新总结会。会上,公司节能办公室汇报了国贸股份                        reported a successful year at last month’s 2015 summary conference
           公司 2015 年度节能工作的情况,同时也对“十二五”期间                     on energy conservation, environmental protection and technical
           公司节能工作情况进行了总结。                                    innovation.                                        EXPERIENCED BANK
           近年来,虽然水、电、热价格分别上涨,但因股份公司节能效                       Despite rising heat, water and electricity prices, the center slashed   MANAGES GLOBAL
           果显著,从能耗总量、碳排放量和能源费用等方面都取得了优                       its total energy consumption, carbon emissions and energy costs,
           异成绩,提前两年完成“十二五”节能降耗目标,万元产值                        fulfilling reduction targets set two years earlier at the start of China’s   WEALTH PORTFOLIO
           综合能耗进入高档商业建筑先进行列。随着节能潜力的不断挖                       12th Five Year Plan.                               Founded in 1912, the Bank of China
           掘,今后节能降耗的难度将越来越大。2016 年国贸三期 B 阶                   Constant success makes finding new ways of saving energy
                                                                                                                adheres to its original philosophy of
           段、CG 区将相继建成、开业,经营面积增大,能耗和碳排放                      increasingly difficult each year. The opening of Phase 3B and the C&G
                                                                                                                providing client-oriented, innovative
           量也将相应增加。针对这种情况,节能办公室提出了 2016 年                    Zone this year will create new challenges for energy consumption and
                                                                                                                service. The bank keeps pace with
           的工作重点:1、积极与政府机构沟通协调,争取有针对性调                       carbon emissions.
                                                                                                                international financial markets so as to
           整国贸能耗指标和碳排放配额;2、进一步加强精细化运行,                       To meet these issues, the energy conservation office agreed to:  comprehensively satisfy the financial and
           从运行挖掘节能降耗潜力;3、继续发挥专业技术小组的作用,                      1. Communicate and coordinate with relevant government institutions
                                                                                                                non-financial needs of customers through
           加强新技术、新工艺的研讨及应用,专题研究节能降耗、更新                       to adjust the center’s energy consumption index and carbon emission
                                                                                                                the combination of its global services
           改造等方面的重大课题;4、公司继续加大节能环保和技术创                       quota.
                                                                                                                network, wealth management expertise
           新力度,包括综合能耗分析管控平台建设、生活污水综合减排                       2. Refine operations and identify new potentialities for energy
                                                                                                                and diverse products. From the 18th floor
           处理及回收、空调冷冻站综合节能控制技术等。                             conservation and consumption reduction.            of the China World Tower, the bank's
           股份公司唐炜总经理代表公司对节能环保和技术创新委员会                        3. Maintain the key role of professional technical teams in the   wealth management center connects
           及下设办公室几年来的工作给予了高度评价,同时希望对节                        assessment and application of new technologies, conducting specialist   with branches all over the world. Rooted
           能环保工作常抓不懈,研究新技术,创新和提高管理手段,                        pilot studies in energy conservation.              in a global view of global investments, the
           不断探索推进国贸节能环保和技术创新工作。                              4. Intensify energy conservation, environmental protection and   Bank of China handles asset management
                                                             technical innovation efforts to include the construction of a
           作为应邀出席会议的政府代表,北京市发改委、北京节能环保                                                                          solutions for both domestic and overseas
                                                             comprehensive platform for the analysis, management and control of
           中心和 CBD 管委会建设处相关领导则在高度评价国贸环保节                                                                        investors, facilitating currency issues and
                                                             energy conservation, the treatment and recycling of domestic sewage
           能工作走在同行业前列的同时,也希望国贸今后能够继续在                                                                           capital transfers.
           CBD 地区和整个行业内发挥节能环保的示范作用。                          and managing cooling stations’ energy consumption.

                                             凭写字楼“租户身份卡”可享受“敏利得先生”                            MISTER MINIT MAKES SPECIAL OFFER TO TENANTS
                                             Mister Minit 皮具护理沙龙特别优惠                          China World Offices tenants can claim a free shoe conditioning worth
                                             2016 年 5 月 10 日至 6 月 30 日,凭写字楼“租户身份卡”至“敏         50 yuan with a minimum purchase of 500 yuan and a 30 percent
                                             利得先生”Mister Minit皮具护理国贸店消费可享受七折优惠,               discount on all leather conditioning at Mister Minit until June 30. This
                                             满五百元另享受现场鞋护理一次(价值 50 元),但此活动不                    special offer cannot be used with other Mister Minit offers.
                                             可与其他优惠共享。“敏利得先生”Mister Minit 国际品牌皮               Founded in Belgium, Mister Minit’s 2,000 worldwide stores have
                                             具护理连锁店,于 1957 年创办于比利时,全世界约有 2000                 been maintaining and repairing shoes and bags since 1957.
                                             家连锁店,护理沙龙是“敏利得先生” Mister Minit 针对顾
                                                                                                  (86-10) 85351806
                                             客心声开发出的新型服务。                                     国贸商城区域 3 (3L214B) ( 星巴克对面 )  China World Mall, Zone 3, 2F, 3L214B
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