Page 15 - 2016-12-2017-01
P. 15

CHINA WORLD   DECEMBER 2016 - JANUARY 2017 / 新年特刊 15


           冷冬日带给您味蕾与营养的双重享受。2017 年 12 月 5 日起售。
                (86-10) 6505 2277-34

                                                              HOT POT

                                                     A traditional hot pot with fresh
                                                  ingredients: Mushroom, a variety of
                                                   vegetables and four styles of tasty
                                                 soup and delicate sauces. We believe
                                                  the hot pot will give you a lingering
                                                     aftertaste and warm your heart
                                                 during winter time. Available from 5   东方餐厅将于 12 月 9 日售卖年糕
                                                              November 2017.  中国人过节、访亲的必备随手礼少不了年糕的身影,年糕寓意年年高升,是中
                                                                              国人最爱的彩头。北京国贸饭店东方餐厅即将于 2016 年 12 月 9 日售卖 6 款年
                                                                                  (86-10) 6505 2277-34
                                                                              THE ORIENTAL WILL SELL RICE CAKE ON DEC. 9                  TH

           热巧克力及中式季节特饮                                                        Chinese people indispensable rice cakes in the holidays, the significance of the rice cakes

           寒冬来袭,身体更需要大量的能量御寒。一杯温暖的冬季特饮不仅能暖身心,                                 is the life is getting better and better. This is the best moral of the Chinese people. The
           更能唤醒沉睡已久的冬季味蕾。北京国贸饭店四海酒吧现推出薄荷白热巧克力,                                Oriental at Traders Hotel, Beijing will sell six kinds of gift box on Dec. 9th 2016, to give
           黑热巧克力,白热巧克力,中式季节热饮。陪伴宾客度过漫长冬日。每份仅售                                 good luck to the guests.
           价 38 元。
                (86-10) 6505 2277-33

                                                                              2016 年 12 月 24 日 17:30-22:00,北京国贸饭店将于三江咖啡厅举办圣诞夜
                                                                              狂欢活动,宾客凭礼券即可参与抽奖,幸运大奖为 46 寸液晶电视一台。此外,
                                                                              2017 年 1 月 1 日 12:00-14:30,北京国贸饭店将于三江咖啡厅举办儿童厨艺课
                                                                                  (86-10) 6505 2277-35
                                                                              CHRISTMAS EVE PARTY AND NEW YEAR’S DAY

                                                                              T-Bazaar at Traders Hotel, Beijing will hold its
                                                                              Christmas Eve Party from 5:30 to 10 p.m. on
                                                                              24 December 2016. Guests may participate
                                                                              in the lucky draw and win gift certificates.
                                                                              The grand prize is a 46-inch LCD television.
                                                                              In addition, T-Bazaar at

           HOT CHOCOLATE AND HOT CHINESE                                      Traders Hotel, Beijing will
                                                                              hire a teacher to conduct a
           SEASONAL DRINK                                                     children’s cooking class on

                                                                              making sweet dumplings on
           With the winter coming soon, the body needs more energy. A cup of winter drink will   New Year’s Day, 1 January
           not only warm up your body, but also re-energise you. The T-Bar at Traders Hotel, Beijing
                                                                              2017. Guests are welcome
           launches Mint White Hot Chocolate, Black Hot Chocolate, White Hot Chocolate and Hot   to participate.
           Chocolate at RMB38 per portion to accompany guests during this long winter.

           以上价格均为人民币,并需加收 10% 服务费及在上述价格与服务费总额上计征的政府税及增值税。
           All prices are in RMB and are subject to 10% service charge and any government taxes and value-added tax payable on the prices together with the service charge.
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