Page 8 - 2015-12
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China World   DeCember 2015 / 2015 年 12 月刊  08

           gloBal greetings add                         国贸公寓今年装饰主题定

           FestiVe holiday Cheer                        为“孩子们的圣诞节”

           China World Apartments is bedecked for children this   随着圣诞节的临近,国贸公寓将今年圣诞装饰的主题
           year, with guests from all over the world posting seasonal   确定为“孩子们的圣诞节”,居住在公寓的各国客人,
           greetings in their own languages. The Christmas theme   用他们本国的语言书写了节日祝福,祝大家“圣诞快
           continues with seasonal display featuring flying snowflakes,   乐!”“新年快乐!”,希望孩子们在国贸公寓能够
           a white house with a red roof and chimney smoke,   度过一个梦幻而美好的圣诞节。“漫天飞舞的雪花落
           Christmas trees heavy with baubles and gifts, snowball   在一望无际的雪原上,一座白墙、红瓦、冒着白烟的
           fights, static snowmen and even a glimpse of Santa Claus   烟囱小屋,屋前几株挂满彩球、礼物的亮闪闪的雪松,
           and his reindeer – Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet,   雪地里打着雪仗、堆着雪人的孩子,时不时停下眺望,
           Cupid, Dunder and Blixem – are prancing across the sky.   寻找着远处驾着驯鹿雪橇疾驰而来的圣诞老人。”
           Rumors of Rudolph could not be confirmed at press time.  处处洋溢着圣诞气氛的国贸公寓,等着大家的到来。
                                                                                                    all-neW CentUry toWers
                                                            (8610) 6505 3891
                                                                                                    opens to CUrioUs pUBliC

                                                                                                    After two years of elaborate and extensive renovations,
                                                                                                    Century Towers is finally opening to the public.
                                                                                                    The Century Towers team invites you to take a personal tour
                                                                                                    of the 378 beautifully designed suites, each equipped with
                                                                                                    a full range of modern conveniences as well as brand new
                                                                                                    fitness and entertainment facilities in a demure and elegant
                                                                                                    garden environment close to the Central Business District.


                                                                                                    加油,娴静优雅的花园可以让您放松心情,紧邻 CBD
                                                                                                         (8610) 6779 8030 / 6779 8035
           JANUARY 2016

                   sUn               mon                tUe                Wed               thU                Fri                sat

            27                 28                 29                30                 31                 1                 2

                              12 月 28 日至 1 月 31 日                                                        国贸大酒店              国贸商城
                              中国大饭店年糕活动                                                                  新年音乐会              《大圣归来》儿童互动剧

            3                  4                  5                 6                  7                  8                 9

            1 日至 3 日 国贸饭店                                                              “国贸商城‘真情守候,                          国贸商城
            新年客房特惠                                                  1 月 国贸饭店新春福袋       历久弥新’新春灯饰                            《大圣归来》儿童互动剧
            10                 11                 12                13                 14                 15                16

                              1 日至 17 日 国贸饭店                                                             15 日至 22 日 国贸商城    国贸商城
                              豫宴美食节                                                                      美食市集               《大圣归来》儿童互动剧

            17                 18                 19                20                 21                 22                23

                                                                    国贸商城                                                    国贸公寓租户春节活动

            24                 25                 26                27                 28                 29                30

                        31    国贸世纪公寓冬日特惠
   3   4   5   6   7   8