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China World   January 2016 / 2016 年 1 月刊  06

           GREENER CHINA WORLD                                                打造绿色环保的新国贸,为可持续发展做

           The China World team takes pride in its leading role as an environmental pioneer for  出更大贡献

           the entire Central Business District and boasts a proven track record in all its buildings by   绿色环保贴切而直观地表达了人类与自然和谐共处、协调发展的内涵。作为北京
           maintaining green and energy-efficient features.                   CBD 的核心、现代化的“城中之城”,国贸一直以来非常重视绿色环保,致力于建设、

           In 2014, China World spent 11 million yuan renovating the complex's air exhaust heat   运营北京规模最大、档次最高的绿色环保商务建筑。
           recovery, air-conditioning fans, bathroom water recycling, energy-saving LED lamps and   从 1998 年开始,国贸响应国家推广空调冰蓄冷削峰填谷技术的号召,历时十年陆
           utilization of natural cold sources in winter.                     续建设五套大型空调冰蓄冷系统,蓄冰总容量 56000 冷吨时,削峰填谷,转移高
           Efforts have paid off: In 2014, China World's total carbon emissions were down by   峰时段制冷用电负荷 3000kw 以上,为北京转移高峰用电负荷、减少能源浪费和
           7.8 percent and energy consumption fell by 9.8 percent. Through consistent efforts in   污染做出贡献。同时,利用峰谷电价差,削峰填谷,国贸每年可节省空调制冷电
           environmental planning, China World's total energy consumption and carbon emissions   费 400 万元以上。高档商务建筑的照明能耗占较大比重,国贸从 2012 年开始,陆
           were slashed another 10 percent in 2015.                           续对写字楼、商场和后勤区域近 4 万盏日光灯、金卤灯更换为高效 LED 节能灯具,
           Since 2012, China World has replaced nearly 40,000 fluorescent lamps and metal   每年节省照明用电300多万kwh。2014年,国贸进一步加大绿色环保和节能降耗力度,
           halide lamps in the office buildings, mall and logistics areas, saving 3 million kilowatt-  在空调排风热回收、商场空调风机变频节能、员工浴室排水回收利用、冬季自然冷源
           hours a year.                                                      利用、LED 节能灯等方面进行节能技术改造,投资总额达 1,100 万元,全面打造绿
                                                                              色环保和节能降耗的新国贸。通过节能改造和精细化运行,2014 年国贸股份公司总
           China World has invested more than a decade of efforts into the construction and
                                                                              能耗比 2013 年下降 9.8%,碳排放量下降 7.8%,万元产值综合能耗下降 15.6%,
           maintenance of five massive air-conditioning systems that produce 56,000 refrigerated
                                                                              提前两年完成“十二五“万元产值综合能耗下降目标。在此基础上,2015 年总能耗
           tons of ice storage capacity. These state-of-the-art units slashed energy waste and
                                                                              和碳排放量又比 2014 年同期下降 10% 以上。
           save 4 million yuan in annual electricity bills.
           In 2016, China World will continue to work for an environmentally-friendly, energy-
           conserving and emission-reducing building complex while proactively contributing to the
           capital city's ongoing environmental protection efforts.

           NEW ANTI-SMOKING MEASURES                                          CAFE BARGAINS FOR TENANTS

           In accordance with new government regulations, China World banned all indoor   Café FLO is rolling out the red carpet to China World tenants
           smoking from June 1, 2015 and has set up 14 outdoor smoking areas.   with a range of unbeatable discount offers. Card-holding
           To support the indoor smoking ban, the office team has been busy placing 'no smoking'   tenants can receive a 15 percent discount on comestibles after
           signs, ashtrays and butt-extinguishing buckets at strategic locations across the complex.  7 pm and an 8 percent discount by day. And if a tenant with a card spends more than 30
           国贸写字楼内实行全面禁烟                                                       yuan, he or she can get a free breakfast beverage or a 15 percent discount at teatime. Better
                                                                              still: The discounts don't affect the "buy-one-get-one-free" offer every night after 9 pm.
           2015 年 6 月 1 日,政府颁布禁烟条例。国贸写字楼根据政府要求,自 2015 年 6
           月 1 日开始实施写字楼内全面禁烟措施。与此同时,国贸写字楼特别配置了带有
           水熄灭功能的烟蒂吸纳箱、吸烟区标示和烟缸组成的多功能套装,分别在院内 14                              可享福楼咖啡特别优惠
                                                                              受任意时段任意消费的 9.2 折优惠,还可享
                                                                              受每晚七点后面包 8.5 折优惠(此优惠条款与福楼咖啡每晚九点后面包买一送一
                                                                              条款不冲突)。不仅如此,在早餐时段,租户只要消费满 30 元即可免费获得指
                                                                              定饮品一杯,下午茶时段还可以享受 8.5 折优惠。
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