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CHINA WORLD   SEPTEMBER 2016 / 2016 年 9 月刊  06

                                                                                                     2016 SAP 中国峰会于国贸大酒店

                                                                                                     为期两天的 2016 SAP 中国峰会分别于 8 月 22 日与 8
                                                                                                     月 24 日在北京国贸大酒店举行,主会场位于三层群
                                                                                                     贤宴会厅。会议有来自不同行业的 SAP 重量级客户、
                                                                                                     2016 SAP CHINA SUMMIT HELD
                                                                                                     SUCCESSFULLY AT CHINA WORLD
           香格里拉酒店集团隆重                                   SHANGRI-LA INVITES EVERYONE                  SUMMIT WING, BEIJING

           推出      THE TABLE    “尚桌计划”                  TO “THE TABLE” WITH LAUNCH                   The two-day 2016 SAP China summit successfully held

           香格里拉酒店集团宣布贵宾金环推出名为 The                       OF UNPARALLELED GLOBAL                       on 22th and 24th Aug, with the main venue of the
                                                                                                     event in the Summit Ballroom on Level 3. The conference
           员不论在本地或海外的香格里拉酒店享受餐饮体验 RESTAURANT AND BAR LOYALTY                                         invited SAP VIP customers from various industries, key
                                                        PROGRAMME                                    opinion leaders and industry experts. It focused on topics
           时,都能获得无与伦比的尊贵礼遇。贵宾金环会为                                                                    such as the digital transition for progress, digital economy
           庆祝五周年而精心策划的为期九个月的 # 忠诚 # 主
                                                        Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts announced the launch of The   changes and digital transformation.
                                                        Table by Golden Circle, a new food and beverage loyalty
                                                        programme that offers unparalleled benefits to members
                                                        who dine at Shangri-La properties both on the road and
           的全新体验。超过 50 名媒体客人参加了于国贸大酒
                                                        nearer to home.  A launch event was held in the hotel’s Pine
                                                        Garden where more than 50 top media guests were invited.


                                                       中国旅游业界奖评选奖项                                   波兰精英选手创造新记录!再次卫
                                                                                                     冕 2016 北京国贸大酒店垂直马拉松
                                                       Northstar Travel Group 旗下《M&C CHINA 商旅圈》杂
                                                                                                     第四届北京国贸大酒店垂直马拉松比赛于 9 月 3 日
                                                       志主办的 2016 中国旅游业界奖商务及会议类评选于北
                                                                                                     成功落下帷幕,本次比赛有来自中国及其他 23 个国
                                                       京举行。作为北京最高的酒店,国贸大酒店出席 2016
                                                                                                     家和地区的近 700 位垂直马拉松选手成功完成了挑
                                                       年 9 月 6 日颁奖典礼,并获得“年度”最佳 MICE 设施
                                                                                                     战。精英选手及业余选手以同样的方式,通过 2041
                                                                                                     级的台阶到达位于 330 米停机坪的终点,最终征服
                                                       对话”环节,与行业领军者及创变者共话未来 5 年会奖
                                                                                                     了这座摩天大楼。来自波兰的 Piotr Lobodzinski 和澳
                                                       业重大变化。                                        大利亚的 Suzy Walsham 分别获得男女精英组冠军。

           最强侍酒师团队诞生!                                   CHINA WORLD SUMMIT WING,

           在中国青年侍酒师酒水服务培训及团队大赛上,国贸                      BEIJING WINS PRESTIGIOUS
           大酒店国贸 79 的队员郑晓伟、张愿和陈坤在北京地                    AWARD AT CHINA TRAVEL &
           区的分赛区比赛中取得了冠军!此次大赛由“中国侍                      MEETING INDUSTRY AWARDS
           酒师之父”之称的林志帆教授于 2011 年创办,2016                                                              WORLD CHAMPION LOBODZINSKI
           年总共有 1,800 多位来自 47 个城市 300 多家酒店的             China World Summit Wing, Beijing continues to garner
           经理和青年服务精英参与比赛,竞争异常激烈。他们                      recognition for its excellence and its world-class Asian   FROM POLAND COMPLETED THE
           将在今年 9 月份代表酒店参加全国总决赛,让我们一                    hospitality from the heart. The highest hotel in the capital   CHINA WORLD SUMMIT WING HOTEL
           起为他们加油!                                      city wins the “MICE Facilities & Service Hotel of the Year   VERTICAL RUN 2016 IN RECORD TIME
           AWARD-WINNING SOMMELIERS                     (Northern China)” at the 2016 China Travel and Meetings   Almost seven hundred athletes from 24 countries and areas
                                                        Industry Awards held in Beijing on 6 September 2016.
           AT YOUR SERVICE!                                                                          competed in the fourth edition of the China World Summit
                                                                                                     Wing Hotel Vertical Run on Saturday. Local and international
                                                                                                     runners conquered the colossal skyscraper, the tallest
           Congratulations to Rita Zheng and Jacobs Zhang from
                                                                                                     hotel in Beijing, by running up 2,041 steps to the rooftop
           Grill 79 and Daniel Chen from Atmosphere!  The team
                                                                                                     finish line at 330 metres. Reigning world champions Piotr
           beat 11 other hotels to clinch the "Beijing Regional
           Champion" title in the 2016 China Young Sommelier                                         Lobodzinski of Poland and Australia’s Suzy Walsham stole
                                                                                                     the show, each pocketing the first prize of RMB 11,450 in
           Competition.  All the best to the team in the preparation
                                                                                                     the men's and women's elite races respectively.
           and final competition held in Ningxia in September!
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