Page 5 - 2016-10
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CHINA WORLD   OCTOBER 2016 / 2016 年 10 月刊  05

                                                        国贸大酒店任命                                     NEW CHEF DE CUISINE OF

                                                        DEIVID PAIVA 先生为                            GRILL 79 - DEIVID PAIVA

                                                        国贸 79 餐厅厨师长                                 The hotel’s signature restaurant, Grill 79 welcomes

                                                        总经理欧克勤先生荣幸地宣布任命 Deivid Paiva 先生             new chef de cuisine, Deivid Paiva! Chef Paiva joins the
                                                        为国贸大酒店国贸 79 西餐厅厨师长。国贸 79 坐落                 dedicated restaurant culinary team to continue to deliver
                                                        在国贸大厦 79 层,坐拥北京迷人的城市景色,主厨                   award-winning and memorable Western-style cuisine
                                                        Paiva 的加入将为客人带来更多令人难忘的西式美食,                 to all guests in the restaurant, located on level 79 of
                                                        打造无以伦比的用餐体验,并希望为国贸 79 带来更                   the towering building, matched by an unparalleled city
                                                        多荣誉。                                        skyline.

           中央电视台 2017 黄金资源                              CCTV GOLD RESOURCES AND

           暨国家品牌计划发布会召开                                 NATIONAL BRAND PLANNING

           9 月 20 日,中央电视台 2017 黄金资源暨国家品牌计               CONFERENCE 2017
                                                        On 20 September 2017, CCTV held the gold resources and
                                                        national brand planning conference held in the Summit
                                                        Ballroom. The conference welcomed more than 1000
                                                        guests, including VIPs from government agencies, CCTV
           1000 余人参加了会议。白岩松、董卿、康辉、欧阳夏丹、
                                                        management, leaders from advertising agencies and
                                                        celebrities. The top 10 hosts of the TV station also came on
                                                        stage to promote the signature channels and its programmes.

           以上价格均为人民币,并需加收 10% 服务费及在上述价格与服务费总额上计征的政府税及增值税(除非另有说明)。
           Prices are in RMB and are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes and value-added tax payable on the prices together with the service charge (unless otherwise stated).
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