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CHINA WORLD   NOVEMBER 2016 / 2016 年 11 月刊  02

                                                        新国贸饭店健身房大当家                                 HOTEL JEN BEIJING’S GYM

                                                        —— 健身房总监 BRENDAN                            DIRECTOR - BRENDAN

                                                        Brendan 性格幽默,热情开朗,非常热爱健身,他几                 Brendan’s personality, sense of humour, enthusiasm and
                                                        乎把所有的业余时间都献给了健身事业。他拥有无限                     cheerfulness suits his love for fitness. He puts almost all of his
                                                        的探索精神,喜欢将有趣的元素融入到健身当中。                      spare time into the fitness industry. With a boundless spirit for
                                                        Brendan 不放过任何一个健身的机会,他热爱户外运                 exploration, he likes to put interesting elements into the gym.
                                                        动,山地自行车、冲浪、潜水、露营及徒步旅行都是                     Brendan does not miss any chance to exercise. Aside from
                                                        他的强项,任何与健身有关的词汇都是他的代名词。                     his love for fitness, he also enjoys the outdoors; mountain
                                                        除此之外,他也会经常同朋友在超越障碍训练场体验                     biking, surfing, diving, camping, hiking and so on. He is
                                                        一些极限运动。Brendan 认为,每一次的健身都是非                 synonymous with anything related to fitness.
                                                                   常令人难忘的。除了健身,Brendan              In addition, he often spends time with his friends doing
                                                                   还非常乐意与家人一起享用美食,或                 limitation sports and obstacle courses. He is impressed by
                                                                   者在公园举行的音乐会里翩翩起舞,                 every fitness experience, enjoys his vacation by dining with
                                                                   又或者同朋友一起聚会大吃大喝,享                 his family and performing concerts and dancing in the
                                                                   受假期带来的美好时光。准备好与                  park or party with his friends.
                                                                   Brendan 一起在新国贸饭店 3500 平          Are you ready to get fit with Brendan in the 3,500-square-
                                                                   米的健身房里挥汗如雨了吗?                    metre Fitness Centre at Hotel Jen Beijing?

           新国贸饭店健身房                                                           SWEAT AND UNWIND

           3500 平米的健身中心提供优质的健身设施和服务,可帮助宾客实现个性化的健                              The 3,500-square-metre Fitness Centre offers facilities and services to help guests achieve
           身目标。健身中心拥有工厂式的风格、原始设计以及涂鸦绘画均以地下文化为                                 their unique fitness goals. The gym’s factory-likes, raw design with graffiti draws inspiration
           灵感。健身中心位于新国贸饭的 4 层和 5 层,其空间宽敞,提供举重室、有氧                             from the underground culture. Sprawled across the 4th and 5th floors, the Fitness Centre’s
           运动室、游泳馆、小组锻炼室及个人训练室等等。那么,想在健身房用餐、休                                 spacious facilities are dedicated to lifting, cardio, group exercise, personal training and
           息和享用饮品的宾客怎么办呢?新国贸饭店均可满足这些宾客的需求,健身房                                 more. How about guests who want to eat, sleep and drink at the gym? Hotel Jen has
           和果汁吧为全天候开放,健身达人可以用他们喜欢的任何形式进行锻炼,在锻                                 got them covered, as the gym and Juice Bar are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so
           炼的同时也可欣赏北京街道上的车水马龙。除此之外,酒店更衣室设有数量充                                 fitness aficionados can work out anyway they please. Guests exercising in the gym can
           足的男女储物柜,不仅提供宽敞的换衣空间,还有按摩浴缸以及桑拿和蒸汽房                                 also enjoy the nice view. Moreover, extensive male and female locker facilities not only
           供宾客享用,为宾客提供了一个工作之余的休憩之地。健身中心还提供反射疗                                 offer a spacious changing area, but also provide an after-work out haven with Jacuzzis and
           法以及按摩和水疗服务,为宾客除去运动带来的疲倦。                                           a sauna and steam room. The Fitness Club also offers reflexology treatments and massage

           4 层                                                                and spa services to help rejuvenate guests.
           酒店 4 层的健身房为全身运动提供最大的利用空间。其中包括动感单车室、个人                              Level 4
           训练室、瑜伽室、普拉提室及授课教室等。拳击区域配备拳击台、拳击袋以及专                                Level 4 provides the largest space for whole-body movement. The studio includes space
           业训练设备。宾客可在此挥洒自己的汗水,充分感受健身的乐趣。                                      for spinning, personal training, yoga, pilates, group classes and more. The KO Zone is fitted
           5 层                                                                with a boxing ring, bags and professional training equipment. Guests can do   full exercise or
           位于 5 层的开放式健身房专门为宾客提供宽敞的负重区域、举重设备以及有氧运                              simply enjoy the pleasure of working out.
           动区域。25 米带天窗的小型健身泳池为游泳初学者、游泳爱好者或是希望在水中                              Level 5
           娱乐、锻炼的宾客提供充足的活动空间。为保证宾客的安全,新国贸饭店专门聘                                The gym on Level 5 offers a dedicated and spacious free-weight zone, weight-lifting
           请专业的救生员“保驾护航”。                                                     machines and a cardio area. A 25-metre lap pool with skylight provides a space for
                                                                              beginners and avid swimmers or for an aquatic workout. To guarantee the guests’ safety, the
                                                                              swimming pool has a professional lifeguard on standby.
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