Page 6 - 2016-11
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CHINA WORLD   NOVEMBER 2016 / 2016 年 11 月刊  06



                                                               YOUR CHRISTMAS


                                                                                                    You are invited to celebrate Christmas with China World
                                                                                                    Mall. We come well-prepared: parties, promotions and
                                                                                                    even a parade! Why not join us at the Christmas tree for a
                                                                                                    panoply of well-appointed festive surprises?

            圣诞市集                                         冰上派对                                        国贸公寓圣诞树

            时间:2016 年 12 月 12 日至 25 日                    时间:2016 年 12 月 23 日 18:30-22:00             地点:国贸公寓门前
            地点:国贸商城区域 2 中庭                               地点:国贸溜冰场                                    介绍:没有什么比一颗传统的圣诞树更能歌颂家庭的温暖
            介绍:好吃好玩,热闹非凡——国贸商城携手伍德吃托克,                   介绍:国贸溜冰场引领冰上狂欢:现场乐队营造喜庆氛围,                  了!此次公寓圣诞树采用传统格调,费尔岛红色元素装饰
            打造圣诞市集。美食、花艺、文创作品任您挑选,同时贯穿                   让您情不自禁在冰上舞出最美自己。更有缤纷奖品,为您                   缠绕仿真翠绿松柏,白日给人格外喜悦感受。夜晚暖光照耀,
            不定期的烘焙、DJ 音乐,为您的味觉、视觉、听觉、嗅觉带                 带来美妙惊喜。                                     使圣诞树传递出温暖感受。
            来兴奋体验。                                       SONG OF JOY ON ICE                          FAIR ISLE FANTASIA
            XMAS FAIR                                    Time: 6-10 pm, December 23                  Address: Front Gate of China World Apartments

            Time: December 12–25, 2016                   Address: Le Cool Ice Rink                   A well-decorated Christmas tree conveys the warmth of
            Address: Atrium, Zone 2, China World Mall    The Le Cool Ice Rink will become a joyful venue of elegant and   family reunion. The green pine tree in front of China World
            China World Mall joins hands with Woodstock of Eating to   beautiful figure-skating. Plus there's a lucky draw. Come and   Apartments features a fantastic traditional Fair Isle pattern.
            present a Christmas fair of baking delicacies, floral settings and   try your luck!
            original artistic works, occasionally accompanied by DJ music.

            宝格丽圣诞树                                       南大门草坪灯饰                                     国贸中心 3B 楼体灯光秀

            地点:区域 1 地下一层中庭                               地点:南大门草坪                                    地点:国贸中心 3B 楼体
            介绍:烟花曼妙,庆贺节日之悦;珠宝璀璨,开启圣诞祝福。                  介绍:长安街上看国贸:当雪花洒向草坪,灌木丛中生长出                  介绍:这一次,国贸中心 3B 楼体灯光秀首次亮相北京。智
            宝格丽圣诞树以烟花为灵感,延续品牌的璀璨传承,以灯                    圣诞树,驯鹿在其间欢腾跳跃——如此可爱的画面,正是                   能灯光演绎缤纷图案,色彩变幻精致美妙,诚然是东三环
            光释出亮丽色彩,将圣诞树打造成一尊摩登艺术品。                      来自于南大门草坪的灯饰,传递出国贸最温暖的节日祝福。                  上最具欢乐气息的风景。
            BVLGARI CHRISTMAS TREE                       XMAS LIGHTS                                 ILLUMINATION SHOW ON PHASE 3B
            Address: Atrium of B1, Zone 1,China World Mall  Address: South Entrance, China World Mall Lawn
            Inspired by fireworks, the Bvlgari Christmas tree is decorated   Falling snowflakes, Christmas trees and joyful jumping reindeers
                                                                                                     Address: Phase 3B Buildings
            in dazzling colors like a brilliant modern artwork.  will lend an authentic Christmas atmosphere to the south
                                                                                                     It is Phase 3B's first-ever intelligent light display and will create
                                                         entrance of China World Mall lawn.
                                                                                                     the most joyful scenery Along the East Third Ring Road.
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