Page 6 - CHINA WORLD No15 三月刊-final
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CHINA WORLD   MARCH 2017 / 2017 年 3 月刊  06

           国贸股份公司 2016 年度节能环保和技术创新

           专业小组工作总结会暨 2017 年度开题会

           2016 年 12 月 16 日,国贸股份公司节能环保和技术创新办公室组织召开了 2016 年度专业
           小组工作总结会暨 2017 年度研究课题开题会,会议就 2016 年国贸节能环保和技术创新课
           题进展情况及 2017 年国贸节能环保和技术创新课题规划展开讨论。
           会议指出,2016 年国贸节能环保和技术创新各专业小组共研究 8 项课题,重点研究的蓄能
           式充电桩、三期 A 污水 MBR 膜处理改造、三期冷冻站节能综合控制及热交换器电子除垢技
           术 4 个节能环保课题均已列入 2016 年固定资产节能技改项目,并已陆续完成。这些项目不
           针对 2017 年度工作规划,会议强调,2017 年各专业小组将研究包括大型空调机组高压水
           的高空设备在内的 12 项新课题,其中,可重复使用的围挡、光触媒隔热玻璃、智能照明控
           空调冷却水余热回收利用及撞击流式油烟净化设备 8 项课题作为重点进行研究。
           2016 年各专业小组工作给予高度评价的同时,希望 2017 年各专业小组继续加强沟通交流、

                                                                                          白领   生活,为您一心一意

                                                                                          为了能够给 CBD 企业员工提供优质的工作环境,北京商务中心
                                                                                          值接近 20%,旨在为写字楼内租户谋求福利。
                                                                                          目前贩卖机已安装在国贸大厦 A 座 B1 商城服务部走廊的位置。
           CHINA WORLD TRADE CENTER’S 2016 REVIEW ON                                      贩卖的种类包括饮料(冷热均可)、零食,目前以食品类为主,
           ENERGY SAVING, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND                                    未来会根据国贸写字楼租户的需求,进行多品类的综合型定制,
           TECHNICAL INNOVATION                                                           饭等,提供更多样化的服务,最大化的满足租户的需求,竭力

           The Energy-Saving, Environmental Protection and Technical Innovation team met on December 16 to
           review on environmental protection, energy efficiency and technical innovation as well as work plan
                                                                                          REINVENTING THE VENDING
           for 2017.
           The teams researched eight topics in 2016, including four key topics, namely on energy-saving
           charger, Phase III A membrane bioreactor film-based sewage disposal, Phase III refrigeration plant   MACHINES FOR CHINA WORLD
           energy conservation and electronic descaling of heat exchangers.               OFFICE WORKERS
           All four were listed as 2016 fixed-asset energy conservation technical reform projects and completed
                                                                                          Drinks and snacks from the new vending machines in China World
           one after another, generating both economic and social benefits for the company.
                                                                                          Tower A Basement 1 Mall corridor are nearly 20 percent cheaper
           Meeting participants agreed on 12 new research topics for 2017 including a high-pressure water
                                                                                          on average than your typical convenience store.
           spray for large air conditioners, a Gehua CATV program access project and tower and elevator
                                                                                          These newly installed machines are loaded with snacks, hot and
           ventilation management.
                                                                                          cold drinks for the convenience of China World Office tenants
           Research in 2017 will focus on eight topics: reusable walling, photocatalytic thermal insulation glass,
                                                                                          at the behest of the Beijing Central Business District Federation
           systematic intelligent lighting and control, intelligent lighting rods, Phase II (including hotels) improved
                                                                                          of Trade Unions in their quest to improve employees' working
           sewage disposal and treatment, recycled water for cooling tower replenishment, air conditioning
           cooling water waste heat recovery and cooking fume purification equipment.
                                                                                          Future machines will be more like 24-hr convenience stores, fulfills a
           Energy-Saving, Environmental Protection and Technical Innovation Office Director Gao Min and
                                                                                          need for tenants who might need to get small gifts, electronic parts,
           executive directors Wei Hanguang and Jia Xingqiang commended the work of each special team
                                                                                          daily necessities, or lunch box after all the other outlets have closed.
           in 2016. They urged them to further expand and improve on communication, exchanges and
           interdisciplinary cooperation in 2017.
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