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CHINA WORLD SUPPLEMENT 号外   APRIL 2017 / 2017 年 4 月  04

                             吃·美·嗨在新区 —— 我们即将发布套票

                                NEW ZONE FUN: FOOD&FUN ONE-STOP TICKET

                      新区专用      地下停车场        台北纯 K         新国贸饭店住房券           SpaceCycle   百丽宫影城     SNAP 跳跃者  attabj  F.Bistronome   Café de
                       餐饮券      免费停车         欢唱体验          及双人健身体验               体验        电影票       长相思葡萄酒  披萨           柠檬塔      Paris 咖啡
              ¥99     100 元券      2 小时        1 小时                              1 课时        2 张
             ¥199     200 元券      4 小时        1 小时                              1 课时        4 张
             ¥1999   1000 元券      5 小时     3 小时 + 小吃    一晚住房及双人健身体验             1 课时        4 张         1 瓶      1 张       1 份        1 杯


                              SNAP    与跳跃者长相思葡萄酒

                              SNAP 绝对是下班后的好去处。拥有丰富的葡萄酒,您可
                                   北区 五层 NL5018
                              SNAP & THE JUMPER


                              SAUVIGNON BLANC

                              well stocked with large variety wines. You can take a sip at  ATTABJ  与披萨
                              Definitely SNAP is a good place to go after work. The bar is

                              here as well as collecting  it for your own wine cabinet. The   爱 TA 意大利餐厅,设计时尚感强烈醒目,餐厅提供超值商务午餐、罗马式咸品下
                              highly recommended wine called The Jumper Marlborough   午茶以及主厨精选晚餐等。餐厅拥有 CBD 唯一专业 Pizza 火炉,只要 90 秒就可以
                              Sauvignon Blanc is fruity delicious with herbaceous qualities.   完成一张 pizza !
                              When it comes to pairing, think white meat and shellfish.      北区 三层 NL3015
                                                                              ATTABJ & PIZZA
           CAFÉ DE PARIS        与咖啡

                                                                              The brand new creative Italian restaurant attabj is created by a passionate team with
           Café de Paris,以水果杯而著称。给人同样难忘的是这里的咖啡,采用法国排名第                        international luxury hospitality experience. Home to the only specialist pizza oven in the
           一的 “Cafes Richard”原豆,让您回味无穷。
                                                                              CBD area, which can bake a pizza in just 90 seconds. The restaurant offers a range of all-
                北区 地下一层 NB1031
                                                                              day dining options, including great value set lunches, Italian-inspired afternoon tea, a full
           CAFÉ DE PARIS & COFFEE                                             dinner menu and so on.

           Café de Paris is popular because of its fruit cup as well as coffee. Selecting beans from   与
           Cafes Richard to make coffee, catering for every connoisseur.
                                                                              F.Bistronome 不仅仅是
                                                                                  北区 七层

                                                                              & LEMON TART

                                                                              F.Bistronome is not only a restaurant, but also a place to emerge French lifestyle. You can
                                                                              also have the lemon tart, which is originally from Flo, to delight your taste buds.
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